This is the view you get from an obscured balcony such as mine. It really brings the price down.
And this is the view if you look in any other direction.
Walking around aimlessly, I stumbled upon an interesting section of the ship.
Apparently dogs enjoy the high seas as well as people.
In actuality, this is where the kennel is for dogs that are being transported by passengers. Every now and then they get to run around in a little pen and socialize.
Later on in the day, this was the view.
There's a special channel on the television that shows the location of the boat. After a day of traveling, we're about where a plane would have been an hour after leaving New York.
Day 2. I'm still amazed at how slow we're traveling. More than 24 hours after leaving New York and we have yet to get east of Newfoundland.
It's been very different today. Not much at all in the way of interaction as today was the day I recorded "Off The Wall" for broadcast tomorrow. The recording itself went smoothly for the most part and the post production wasn't too much of a pain, new software and all. Then all hell broke loose.
I've mentioned how impressed I've been with the technological abilities on this ship. But that was before trying to upload an 80 meg file. I've had more network disconnects and aborted transfers than I can remember ever experiencing in a single day. And on the one site I was able to get a connection worthy of actually beginning the transfer, I discovered I had a strictly enforced disk quota exactly one meg smaller than the file I was transferring. That's about the time you begin to realize that you're cursed. Add to that the fact that net connectivity is 25 bucks an hour and this has been an incredibly frustrating night. But I'm going to stick with it until it's done. Or until the show doesn't air. I've had many all-nighters of trying to figure out why something isn't working, forgetting about sleep, food, and the rest of the world. I just never figured that would happen on the QM2.
It's really good therapy to just sit out on the deck and think of all the water that's going by. Even though we're not even east of Canada yet, you can't see land in any direction. Just a tiny moving city in the middle of the sea. And an increasingly frustrated radio host trying to get his show on the air against all kinds of new odds. Which is what I'm going to get back to doing now.